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E-mail: barry@www.red11.org   Updated Daily 
Compiled by
Barry J. Leeming    Digest Prgram by  William McArthur  Canada
Theatre Of Dreams  Banner's  by Sam Hayward   Download the digest program here!
The Devil's Advocate "REDitorial" commentary by Alex Paylor  "RED sky at night UNITED delight!"

The Dennis Viollet Fund

www.red11.org DAILY NEWS
Date: Fri Jun 04 02:52:36 EDT 1999
Mail: barry@www.red11.org

This Issue:
2. Premier League Merit Table (anoraks alert!)
3. Ask The MasterFan - Paul Hinson
4. Personal Barcelona Report by Barry Leeming (Part 3 of 7)
5. Personal Barcelona Report by P.J. Thum


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www.red11.org CHAMPIONSHIP Sound Archive x 5  ENJOY!!!!

SPECIAL SPECIAL SPECIAL  Mp3  "REDS Going to Barcelona"  3megs 
Download here: 
 + Players thoughts before the cup final: 134k   2mins

Latest on Bosnich + Goals available also

THANKS to Derek here are the real audios running at http://www.red11.org

If anyone has other Barcelona commentary versions esp GMR or Picc
please mail them to barrylee@post3.tele.dk & I will make them available on the web.
Other TV stations also welcome.

http://www.red11.org/mufc/sound/99/990601_bosnich.rm   1m 10s  76k  
  Latest On Bosnich

http://www.red11.org/mufc/sound/99/petervbosnich.rm    1m 39s  108k     
  Comparison of Peter v Bosnich

(Real audio files archived at http://www.red11.org/mufc/sound/99)

Listen to the European Cup final GOALS!
Radio 5 live:
 http://www.red11.org/mufc/sound/99/sheringham_cl99.rm  26k
  http://www.red11.org/mufc/sound/99/solskjaer_cl99.rm  39k

Danish TV!
 http://www.red11.org/mufc/sound/99/solskjaer_dk.rm    108k 
  http://www.red11.org/mufc/sound/99/sheringham_dk.rm   76k


Bill's Daily Comment:

If you haven't already sent in your Personal Barcelona Report,
please do.  We'll publish your stories in the Daily News.

Send your reports to: barry@www.red11.org
along with your permission to post the report in the Daily News.

Ask the MasterFan:


CONGRATS to REDS ALL over the world.

Subject: BOSNICH BACKED TO MATCH SCHMEICHEL STANDARDS Martin Edwards believes Mark Bosnich will match up to Peter Schmeichel's sky-high standards as the world's best goalkeeper as well as his larger-than-life character. Edwards has no fears about the void created in the Manchester United dressing room now Schmeichel's dominant character will be missing. The great Dane was big in stature and big on team spirit. Now 27-year-old Bosnich, signed on a Bosman free transfer from Aston Villa, has got his new chairman's backing to take over on and off the field from Schmeichel. "Peter was a tremendous character around the place but I think Mark also has a reputation for being a bit of a character himself, just like Peter," said Edwards after concluding negotiations to sign the Aussie keeper on a four-year contract. "Maybe the difficulty will be keeping him on a lead. I don't think we will have any problems where character is concerned." Bosnich, who has an over-the-top sense of humour that has got him into trouble with soccer authorities, wanted to join United so much he turned his back on massive contracts from abroad that would have dwarfed his reputed £25,000-a-week Old Trafford deal. "Alex Ferguson had made the decision on who he wanted some time ago but we had to wait until the end of the season," said Edwards. "Mark wanted to play for United badly enough. He could have gone elsewhere for more money and he knew the limitations of wages, but he was desperate enough, or keen enough, to sign for us on terms we are happy with."
CONGRATS to REDS ALL over the world.

Subject: Premier League Merit Table (anoraks alert!) There was a Merit Table in the Champions League Final Programme (United just overtook Liverpool for 8th place overall!) Someone asked about United's record in the Premier League, as compared to everybody else's. It makes impressive reading, doesn't it? We have accumulated over 100 points more than anybody else! We are averaging 10 more goals per season than anybody else. Arsenal have a slightly better Goals Against, but that isn't all that surprising. I can't vouch for 100% accuracy on this. I put it together as best as I could. I think there is at least one minor error in it, but it would take forever to find it. (The total number of games won by all teams is 2 more than the total number of defeats for all teams. I don't know how this happened). I'm pretty sure the points totals and goals are spot on, though. Newcastle have only been in the top flight for the past 6 years, so they would move up 4 places if you look at the right hand column (average points per season). United's record is absolutely magnificent. We are the ONLY team to have won more games than not, if you catch my drift. And it's a LOT more. Pos. Played Won Drawn Lost GF GA Points GDiff Manchester United 1992/93 1st 42 24 12 6 67 31 84 36 Manchester United 1993/94 1st 42 27 11 4 80 38 92 42 Manchester United 1994/95 2nd 42 26 10 6 77 28 88 49 Manchester United 1995/96 1st 38 25 7 6 73 35 82 38 Manchester United 1996/97 1st 38 21 12 5 76 44 75 32 Manchester United 1997/98 2nd 38 23 8 7 73 26 77 47 Manchester United 1998/99 1st 38 22 13 3 80 37 79 43 Seasons Titles Played Won Drawn Lost GF GA Points GDiff Avge Pts Manchester United 7 5 278 168 73 37 526 239 577 287 82.43 Arsenal 7 1 278 127 84 67 383 229 465 154 66.43 Liverpool 7 0 278 126 73 79 454 309 451 145 64.43 Blackburn 7 1 278 122 74 82 409 315 440 94 62.86 Aston Villa 7 0 278 114 73 91 353 309 415 44 59.29 Leeds Utd. 7 0 278 108 85 85 368 314 409 54 58.43 Chelsea 7 0 278 108 84 86 382 334 408 48 58.29 Newcastle 6 0 236 108 61 67 371 263 385 108 64.17 Tottenham 7 0 278 94 82 102 365 378 364 -13 52.00 Sheff. Wed. 7 0 278 93 82 103 371 385 361 -14 51.57 Wimbledon 7 0 278 92 82 104 338 398 358 -60 51.14 Everton 7 0 278 85 78 115 330 373 333 -43 47.57 Coventry 7 0 278 79 94 105 304 373 331 -69 47.29 Southampton 7 0 278 81 72 125 335 417 315 -82 45.00 West Ham 6 0 236 82 62 92 275 316 308 -41 51.33 Nottm. Forest 5 0 198 60 59 79 229 287 239 -58 47.80 QPR 4 0 164 59 39 66 224 232 216 -8 54.00 Manchester City 4 0 164 45 54 65 180 222 189 -42 47.25 Middlesbrough 4 0 156 44 48 64 188 239 180 -51 45.00 Leicester 4 0 156 43 49 64 182 219 178 -37 44.50 Norwich 3 0 126 43 39 44 163 180 168 -17 56.00 Derby Co. 3 0 114 40 33 41 137 152 153 -15 51.00 Crystal Palace 3 0 122 30 37 55 119 181 127 -62 42.33 Ipswich 3 0 126 28 38 60 121 206 122 -85 40.67 Sheff. Utd. 2 0 84 22 28 34 96 113 94 -17 47.00 Oldham 2 0 84 23 23 38 105 142 92 -37 46.00 Bolton 2 0 76 17 18 41 80 132 69 -52 34.50 Sunderland 1 0 38 10 10 18 35 53 40 -18 40.00 Barnsley 1 0 38 10 5 23 37 82 35 -45 35.00 Charlton 1 0 38 8 12 18 41 56 36 -15 36.00 Swindon 1 0 42 5 15 22 47 100 30 -53 30.00 The following teams have been Runners-Up: Aston Villa (1993) Blackburn (1994) Man. United (1995) Newcastle (1996) Newcastle (1997) Man. United (1998) Arsenal (1999) The highest position attained by Liverpool is 3rd (twice), Chelsea's highest position is 3rd, and Leeds highest position is 4th (both this season). Man. United have been top scorers in each of the past 4 seasons, and were second highest scorers in each of the previous 3 seasons. The other records for goals are: Most goals for: 82 Newcastle 1993-94 Fewest goals for: 28 Leeds Utd 1996-97 Fewest goals against: 17 Arsenal 1998-99 Most goals against: 100 Swindon 1993-94 Biggest home win: Man. United 9 Ipswich 0 (1994-95) Biggest away win: Man. United 8 Forest 1 (1998-99) Most wins in a season: 27 Man. United 1993-94, Blackburn 1994-95 (42 games) 25 Man. United 1995-96 (38 games) Fewest defeats: 3 Man. United 1998-99 (38 games) 4 Man. United 1993-94 (42 games) Most draws: 18 Southampton 1994-95, Man. City 1993-94, Sheff. Utd. 1993-94 (42 games) 16 Coventry C. 1997-98 (38 games) Fewest draws: 3 Chelsea 1997-98 (38 games) 6 Ipswich T. 1994-95 (42 games) Fewest wins: 6 Forest 1996-97 (38 games) 5 Swindon 1993-94 (42 games) Most defeats: 25 Bolton W. 1995-96 (38 games) 29 Ipswich T. 1994-95 (42 games) To sum up, Manchester United practically own the Premier League!
CONGRATS to REDS ALL over the world.

Subject: Ask The MasterFan - Paul Hinson > From: "alunnicol" > Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1999 19:58:35 +1000 > Subject: A challenge to some of the anoraks among us > Question: What does the Premier League table look like since 1992/93.? All-Time Premiership Table 1992-1999 (number of seasons in brackets) PL W L D F A PTS 1. Manchester United (7) 278 168 73 37 524 239 577 2. Arsenal (7) 278 127 84 67 393 229 465 3. Liverpool (7) 278 126 73 79 454 219 451 4. Blackburn Rovers (7) 278 122 74 82 409 315 440 5. Aston Villa (7) 278 114 73 91 353 309 415 6. Leeds United (7) 278 108 85 85 368 314 409 7. Chelsea (7) 278 108 84 86 382 344 408 8. Newcastle United (6) 236 108 61 67 371 263 385 9. Tottenham H. (7) 278 94 82 102 365 378 364 10. Sheffield Wed. (7) 278 93 82 103 371 383 361 11. Wimbledon (7) 278 92 82 104 338 398 358 12. Everton (7) 278 85 78 115 330 373 333 13. Coventry City (7) 278 79 94 105 304 373 331 14. Southampton (7) 278 81 72 125 335 417 315 15. West Ham United (6) 236 82 62 92 275 316 308 16. Nottingham For. (5) 198 60 59 79 229 287 233 17. Queens Park R. (4) 164 59 39 66 224 232 216 18. Manchester City (4) 164 45 54 65 180 222 189 18. Leicester City (4) 156 43 49 64 182 221 178 19. Middlesbrough (4) 156 44 48 64 188 239 177 20. Norwich City (3) 126 43 39 44 163 180 168 21. Crystal Palace (3) 122 30 37 55 119 181 127 22. Ipswich Town (3) 126 28 38 60 121 206 122 23. Sheffield United (2) 84 22 28 34 96 113 94 24. Oldham Athletic (2) 84 22 23 39 105 142 89 25. Bolton Wanderers (2) 76 17 18 41 80 132 69 26. Sunderland (1) 38 10 10 18 35 53 40 27. Charlton Athletic (1) 38 8 12 18 41 56 36 28. Barnsley (1) 38 10 5 23 37 82 35 29. Swindon Town (1) 38 5 15 22 47 100 30 (42 games 1992/93 to 1994/95 - 38 games 1995/96 onwards) Paul Hinson (email p.l.hinson@ais.salford.ac.uk) MUTV Masterfan Quiz Champion 1999 Ask the STATMAN at: http://www.red11.org/mufc/statman.htm The best STATS on the 1999 English and European Champions on the Web http://www.red11.org/mufc/stats.htm STATISTICS http://www.red11.org/mufc/pontin.htm RESERVES And JUNIORS Try the MUFC Quiz http://www.red11.org/miva/quiz/quiz.mv **** To all those who say UNITED's attendance record is only good when we're winning, here are the FACTS. UNITED's attendance has NEVER been worse than 5th in the League since 1957! ATTENDANCES 1957/58 -> 1996/97 season average att att position leauge pos div 57-58 45,729 1st 9th 1 58-59 53,436 1st 2nd 1 59-60 47,138 2nd 7th 1 60-61 37,808 3rd 7th 1 61-62 33,869 5th 15th 1 62-63 40,i58 5th 19th 1 63-64 43,687 3rd 2nd 1 64-65 45,899* 1st CHAMPS 1 65-66 38,519 2nd 4th 1 66-67 53,980 1st CHAMPS 1 67-68 57,574 1st 2nd 1 68-69 51,455 1st 11th 1 69-70 51,076 1st 8th 1 70-71 45,055 2nd 8th 1 71-72 46.424* 2nd 8th 1 72-73 48,730 1st 18th 1 73-74 42,721 1st 21st 1 74-75 48,389 1st 1st 2 75-76 54,750 1st 3rd 1 76-77 53,711 1st 6th 1 77-78 51,946 1st 10th 1 78-79 46,433 1st 9th 1 79-80 51,608 1st 2nd 1 80-81 45,071 1st 8th 1 81-82 44,571 1st 3rd 1 82-83 41,576 1st 3rd 1 83-84 42,534 1st 4th 1 84-85 42,881 1st 4th 1 85-86 46,322 1st 4th 1 86-87 40,627 1st 11th 1 87-88 39,244 2nd 2nd 1 88-89 36,488 2nd 11th 1 89-90 39,078 1st 13th 1 90-91 43,242 1st 6th 1 91-92 44,985 1st 2nd 1 92-93 35,132* 2nd CHAMPS PREM 93-94 44,244 1st CHAMPS PREM 94-95 43,??? 1st 2nd prem 95-96 ? 1st CHAMPS PREM 96-97 55,??? 1st CHAMPS PREM (thanks to Dave Menashe for this table) *******
CONGRATS to REDS ALL over the world.

Subject: Personal Barcelona Report by Barry Leeming (Part 3 of 7) "REDS Are Going To Barcelona" Pt 3/7 "Interviewed & Helter Skelter!" by Barry Leeming Dateline Tue 25th May Tuesday woken early 715 am by Radio 5, call back would be 20 mins later so I was able to wake up with a quick shower. 740am call back I was informed that I would be interviewed by Victoria [no NOT that one unfortunatly] and the English Rugby captain was on before me (drugs episode) 745 am "We now go to Barry Leeming in Barcelona to hear the latest situation on Manchester United in the CL Final" Went something like this (Short text version,I have no tape sorry) **If any one has BBC Radio5 live 7.45 am Tues 25th May please call +4520324323 Victoria: Good morning Barry "Good morning Victoria" Victoria: We hear that you have travelled from Scandinavia, how many supporters are there in Denmark? "We are the largest club branch outside UK with 36000 members of which 6000 are in Denmark itself. 500 members applied for tickets for the trip to Nou Camp but we were unable to supply any." Victoria: Can you tell me the price of black market tickets in Barcelona? [Christ change of subject!] I told the truth: "Prices vary from 200-800 pounds down at Nou Camp yesterday it was possible to buy tickets if you were willing to pay 50.000 pesetas" Victoria: Do you think teddy will be playing? "I saw Teddy at the airport yesterday, he was smiling all over his face so I reckon he will play" Victoria: How is the weather down there? " Well I am sitting on the balcony of my hotel room in bright sunshine right now, tshirt aand shorts all day!" Victoria: Thankyou very much enjoy the match! So I was wide awake by now and after breakfast got the train down to Catlunya Square. 1st stop Hard Rock Cafe and there were Mark Roberts Pete Steyger + other REDS already on the binge! We called Paul Masterfan Hinson on the mobile to answer some questions but we got Paul Red Kelly Windridge instead! :)) Sorry Paul, he was getting ready for the trip to Sunny Spain! We carried on drinking and soon the phone would ring with Our Salford Lass Linda on the line. The Manchester Bus had arrived in Palmois and I quickly made arrangements to meet her + the son & heir later that evening, (I would drive up by car). My mobile was busy, I remember calls from Richard Martin, Kevin Beard and Miie Dobbin to name a few. I called Stephen Degiorio who was flying out and he told me that I could meet him North of Calella in a Hotel that evening. Next bar was to be Michael Collins in hope of meeting Richard and Mick. Difficult to find but made it by cab after speaking 5 languages to explain Irish Pub/Church/Michael Collins ...... Out of cab I phoned Richard for final directions which he gave me but unfortunatly he would not be there till later. I would then be heading north by car! No Mick either but a great atmosphere and the first T shirt I spotted was the famous NET REDS SHIRT, worn by Richard Usher of microsoft.com. This was the first time we had met so we had a long chat together with many other REDS from Ireland in the bar. I asked some of them to mail me and gave out a few calling cards. The Kilkenny tasted jolly good! Richard Usher & I exchanged a few ideas for the mailing lists and website, thanks Richard! Suddenly there was a ticket going in the bar... 50.000 pesetas again! Sold to some punter who was pleased as punch. Had to shoot off again, I had seen match programmes in the pub. They were selling them down at Nou camp today! I took a cab, there was little time, got hold of Mick who was busy in (meetings?) hmmmm. Promised to buy a couple of programs for him as well. Taxi driver was very good and I got him to drive me to the stall at the back of the stadium where I bought 8 programmes for 1000 pesetas each. I had promised Paul Hinson and others at home. There were 1000's of fans touts and police, I ignored them all, grabbed programmes and shot into the cab again, touts shouting "teecket?" "teecket!" all over the shop!! The cabby got me to the station and I was back in Calella by 2000 hrs for dinner? - a plastic looking frozen pizza? Most of the food we had was cheap and good but the pizza is not recommended. I was tee-total by now and ready to drive at 2200hrs. The phone was ringing madly, Stephen had arrived (he had generously donated Michael and Bill McArthur's tickets), Linda was in Palmois and Kevin Berad was shagged out and asleep in Calella! We planned to meet Stephen and then drive up to Palmois OR THATS WHAT I THOUGHT!!! I was now getting calls from Dave Menashe, Phil Murray and John Clarke from a car between Toulouse and Spain. They had nowhere to stay "leave it to me I said" I will ask at the Hotel Miami. Luckily the manager was at the desk and she told me she had a room for 3 for one night at 6-9 pesetas, can't remember the price exactly. This was cheap and the lads finished up staying 3-4 nights! So Michael and I started off for the Stephen/Linda trip. Dave called, I filled him in on the booked accommodation - the 3 Californian's sounded pleased and they liked the Hotel name and dexided to come. BUT, where were they? "We are standing by our car in "Loret de Mar" they said. STAY THERE I will find you I said. The town was 3 miles ahead we were driving towards them on our way to Palmois. Sure enough there was the grey car on the main road as we entered Loret 10 mins later!! Mcdonald's, instructions to Calella and Hotel Miami + Henriks mobile tel. number so they could meet the other Mad Danes for drinks that evening :)) All was well, we would see them in the morning "Match Day". Michael map reading, we called Stephen again and he told us to come to the bar on the beach at Hotel Aromar in La Platia some 10 km North of Loret and only 10 km South of Linda. Fine WE WOULD TAKE THE COAST ROAD. This was the first mistake of the evening. We started driving from Loret to "Tossa de Mar" and then to "St Felio". It was of course dark and I commented to Michael that the road was getting very narrow and 100% bends first left then right. This gradually got worse and then there was a signpost 26km to Tossa?? The distance by crow flight path would be 2 km but we were on a "Helter Skelter" of a mountain road first up then down again!! This was of course then repeated to the next town Felio. Reckon it was well past midnight and more like 1am when we made it to Stephen on that beach. I phoned Linda "no connection" we were shagged and joined in a one hour rendition of "Eric the King" + other ditties in the beach bar in Hotel Aromar. They were all well away in that bar and we decided at that point that it was too late to carry on out trip north so close but so late. We chatted to Stephen 1 hr and drove back arriving at Hotel Miami at 3am that morning. A well earned drink in the bar, Phil and John were still up, then bed ... could we sleep? INFO: Stephen who we arranged to meet the day after in the town center, is currently a season ticket holder and at the tender age of 33 now went to the 1968 ECFINAL at the age of THREE! A RECORD it must be? His Dad took him, a REAL RED FAMILY! Reds Going to Barcelona is to be continued tomorrow Pt 4/7 Match day........... Barry Leeming Multi media: http://www.red11.org/mufc/barcelona.htm
CONGRATS to REDS ALL over the world.

Subject: Personal Barcelona Report by P.J. Thum Hi everyone, This is my first time writing a trip diary so I hope you'll bear with me. Accompanying this report will be my pictures- you can see a full range at http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/ The numbers prefixing the pictures are the date (in ddmmyy format) followed by the time (in 24hr format). So you can view them chronologically. I will try to be comprehensive in my description of the entire journey so that those of you who weren't there can get a feeling for how it felt to be there. My story begins on Monday, May 24. I had just finished my exams though I had spent most of exam period preoccupied with something else! Still, mentally exhausted but free from school for the summer, I flew off to Barcelona. After an uneventful flight (especially when you compare it with what some other listees went through!) I arrived in El Prat (named after....?) where I met up with Mark Roberts and a fellow Red named Daniel whom Mark had picked up on the flight in the night before and shared hotel room with. Rereading the previous sentence makes me uneasy. I wonder why. http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1007_Mark_and_Daniel_at_BCN_airport.jpg Mark is in the green and yellow away, Daniel, who flew from Sydney to come to the game, is in the home kit. At the airport we also encountered many other fellow Reds who were in for the game. The place was abuzz with anticipation. Along with Peter Steyger and fellow Boston Red Jon Kosterlitz, the four of us had negotiated via Barry to meet with a tout in the Hard Rock Cafe and buy the tickets off him. Coincidentally, Peter's flight got in 40 minutes after mine so Mark, Peter and I agreed to meet at the airport. Peter eventually turned up, none the worse for wear and well fortified after drinking on the plane for ten hours straight. http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1109_Daniel_Peter_Mark_outside_BCN.jpg The drive into Barcelona was quiet. http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1126_driving_into_Barca.jpg However, as we pulled into a parking area near our hotel, a funny sight greeted us: a car with no hubcaps or wheels, shattered windscreen and propped up on bricks. http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1158Just_like_being_in_Liverpool.jpg "Just like being in Liverpool," commented Peter. Next to our hotel was a bullfighting ring. Unfortunately, bullfighting was only on Sundays. http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1248_The_bullfighting_ring_entrance,_sponsored_by_Martini.jpg Next we hopped the metro to go to the Hard Rock Cafe to meet up with other listees. Barcelona, being an Olympic city, has a clean efficient metro. Note the countdown clock at the top corner- 23 seconds to the next train! http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1258_waiting_in_the_metro.jpg We got to the Placa Catalunya soon enough and immediately encountered Barry. Mark and Barry were, of course in their Gumby regalia along with various United apparel. Barry was in his "Danish Reds on Tour" T-shirt. I, on the other hand, was dressed in plainclothes. This stems from a deep superstition of mine that I cannot wear any United colours to a game or we will lose. Bearing in mind that the last two games I wore colours to was Arsenal away and Middlesborough at home, I think my superstition is justified. Thus, I brought no colours to be on the safe side. http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1409_Mark_Barry_PJ_Daniel_at_Hard_Rock.jpg Also, I had a wild theory that perhaps if any violence occurred, I would be safer if people mistook me for a Japanese tourist! The tout arrived and after much hard bargaining by the others they drove him down from the ridiculous 100,000 pesetas to a much more reasonable 60,000 pesetas. We had a moment of panic when he declared that he would sell all 6 of his tickets or none at all, but we found other reds around the Hard Rock who were willing to get into the deal. Finally we clinched it and we took a photo to commemorate the deal. Note the bright, shiny tickets in my hands! http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1445_Tickets_in_hand_we_celebrate.jpg At this point I present Barry with a T-shirt on behalf of the Boston Reds, in gratitude of the incredible services he has done for the Boston Reds. If it weren't for him, I would have never gotten that ticket to the game, so thanks Barry! http://natatorium.simplenet. com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1452_Barry_is_an_honorary_Boston_Red.jpg I went off for a phone call home to update my Dad (also a Red) on my happy situation, and the next thing I know, when I return the other Reds are surrounded by women who had begged to take a picture with them! It must be something about being a Red, eh guys? http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1524_Women_flock_to_reds_everywhere.jpg After that it was more drinking, followed by a quick stroll down La Rambla in search of lunch. La Rambla is certainly a very beautiful place, very interesting and tasteful. None of the shiny artificial plastic and lights that other touristy places have, La Rambla is all about history and stone. After some time, we decided to go to the airport to greet the team. We rushed off in taxis as we heard that the team was arriving at 5. As Barry has described in his report, he soon attracted the attention of the media and we were all interviewed by Sky. http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1721_Barry_gets_interviewed_by_Sky_2.jpg Barry looks excited! The United charter flight was scheduled to appear at 5.25 pm. http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1725_the_UNITED_charter_flight_on_screen.jpg But it was a long time before they appeared. Still the atmosphere at the airport was terrific! Movies: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1806_singing_from_expectant_fans.mpg http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1808_waiting_fans_sing_the_UNITED_calypso.mpg We passed the time singing, cheering, and 'remarking' on certain women as they walked by. Anyone who was there will know what I mean when I refer to the 'one in the blue outfit'! As I recall, we concluded that the gentlemen with her must've been her brother, and the difference in looks was due to his dyed hair and him taking after their father! Yes, that must be it! :)) At around 6.58 the team finally emerged from customs to a huge greeting from the fans. At this point I made a movie but I keep getting a file error trying to read the movie from the disk- damn! Still, it was exciting, with the players coming out one by one and the fans singing and cheering. Out first was Phil Neville, followed by the bulk of the team. Mark managed to throw his arm around Andy Cole and give him a few words of encouragement. A common sentiment (including mine) was echoed- we all intended to have witty words of encouragement for the team when they walked out, but when we saw them it all turned into screaming and fist pumping! Fergie looked happy and confident and excited. Teddy came out last, projecting an air of confidence which we took as a good sign. What surprised me was that I was as tall as many of the players. When you see them on TV you almost always assume that they are huge people, but they weren't any bigger than you or I. We followed them out to the team bus. At this point I snapped furiously: View from near the back: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1902_the_UNITED_bus.jpg Becks gives us a little half-embarrassed wave: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1905_Becks_gives_us_a_wave.jpg Yorke, Jesper, Cole and Scholes: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1906_Yorke_Jesper_Cole_and_Scholes.jpg The Stam and Ole show: http://natatorium.simplenet. com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1907_Stam_and_Ole.jpg cheering fans: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1907_cheering_fans.jpg Jesper and Wes Brown: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1912_Jesper_and_Wes.jpg Sitting at the back of the Bus: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1912_Phil_Keano_May_Yorke.jpg Schmikes: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1906_Schmeichel. jpg The Leemings watching on: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1913_The_Leemings.jpg Movie: http://natatorium.simplenet. com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1909_Fergusons_Red_and_White_Army.mpg Me: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1917_PJ_in_front_of_the_United_bus.jpg This one for you Mohsen: http://natatorium.simplenet. com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1919_Solskjear_closer.jpg Reds in front of the bus: http://natatorium.simplenet. com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1914_Reds_in_front_of_the_bus.jpg The bus drives off: http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/240599_1919_bus_drives_off.mpg More pictures and movies at http://natatorium.simplenet.com/photos/Barcelona/ of course. After that, it was off to dinner and then back to the hotel. After successfully getting lost and then finding ourselves again, we ended up back at the hotel, exhausted. Thus ended the first day. Coming up on the second day: - sightseeing (including a movie of a hilarious recital of "Ten Bayern Fans" to the tune of "Ten bottles of beer on the wall" while we were a couple hundred feet in the air in a tower at La Segrada Familia cathedral) - my visit to the Erotica Museum (as recommended by Linda and the Sausage Man) - Taking over the entire La Rambla: a sea of Red! (beer! women! song!) ** A few notes about the above- I hope everyone can access the pictures. Some people may not be able to on older generation email programs and/or web browsers. I'll try and type the second day as soon as I can, but don't hold your breath! cheers, PJ -- thum@fas.harvard.edu The original content of this email is copyright (c) P.J. Thum MCMXCIX. Permission is granted to reproduce this email for non-commercial purposes only. All Rights Reserved. **
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          You must get to that football ground
          Take a lesson come to see
          Football taught by Matt Busby
          Manchester, Manchester United
          A bunch of bouncing Busby Babes
          They deserve to be knighted

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